I used to believe romantic relationships and love were the same. I equated it to being on an emotional rollercoaster, high octane, high drama and chaos, uncertainty, conflict and “I am right” obsessional, controlling energy.
A rinse and repeat cycle of melodrama, madness and tension which seemed fun in the early days and now overwhelmingly difficult and challenging on a mental, emotional, physiological, relational and spiritual level.
If you’re starting to feel like there’s no solution for your marriage, your relationship, or your single life…
If everything you’ve ever been taught, like me, tells you that
love is hard,
love is a tragedy waiting to happen,
love is earned,
love is being inauthentic,
Love is waiting, anxious,
love is chasing another for validation, acceptance and belonging
love is only for certain women who look and act in certain ways…
I’m here for you.
I’m here to tell you that being in a good relationship with a loving present partner is all about skills and these can be learned.
…and once you do you’ll start to experience love.. deep mature love that YOU deserve.
When I was growing up I knew I wanted a relationship that was fun and loving… I wanted to feel part of a harmonious team…
You see, as a child, I never saw happiness in any of the marriages in my world.
Those marriages were all about “function”. They were dysfunctionally functional.
Everyone around me, in my community, had had arranged marriages and “love” would grow and crazily it did.
Marriage is serious business and in my culture it’s the ultimate responsibility for parents. Suitors were disregarded if they didn't fit into the family frequency … parents looked at every aspect from dowry, virginity, malleability, medical, financial, educational perspective before deciding whether the proposal was rejected or accepted.
On one level this was truly beautiful but functionality, compromise and sacrifice killed romance.
In my teens I started to notice the lack of affection, the simmering resentments and the unhappiness but this was not enough of a reason to break the family home… so people sat together in misery… and this ideology of relationships was passed down to their children and this became their template …
So I truly felt love was trauma and relationships were an uphill battle where the idea of “wanting love’ felt foreign.
I believed marriage was drama.
This message sat in my subconscious, manifesting a pattern of destructive behaviour and attracting toxic people into my life.
Together we were a hurricane… wreaking havoc in our wake and causing deep sorrow and paint each other in the process and to those all around us.
I didn’t trust anyone or their words but the truth of the matter was, I didn’t trust myself to recieve love and feel worthy of it.
I was so afraid to open my heart in case I got hurt that I created the environment that led to anguish and pain.
I was stuck in a holding pattern unable to break the loop until…
I realised that I was the common denominator in my pain… I wanted love and I did every thing in my power to repel it, push it away and sabotage it… I was instrumental in the creation of the pain… and my relationship suffered because of it.
This awareness was a game changer.
I always believed the other person, HE, was the “Problem”, NOT ME.
I knew I couldn’t blame anyone else for how I felt… the time had arrived for me to take personal responsibility, to remove blame, old patterns of behaviour, release the deep beliefs of unworthiness,
If this is you and you want to change the narrative of your story… you want to change how you are experiencing relationships because your desire is to feel content, safe, intimate, and connected your relationship…
I am the happiest I have ever been and I want the same for you… because its very achievable.
I feel peaceful, empowered, confident, significant and valuable on the inside and this is reflected on the outside.
The result of this is my relationship feels light and airy …
There’s space and joy and my heart is open and it feels easy.
If you are searching for a relationship where you have great communication, friendship, mutual respect, passion, play and trust?
If you want to feel you are seen, heard, appreciated and your feelings are cherished?
Where conflicts are dealt with maturity and quickly, without animosity or allowing resentments to build?
If you are ready to Radically Accept the other person for who they are not the projection of who you want them be…
Then don’t waste a single moment and take me up on the offer…

Book a Discovery Call.
In this 20 minute call you will learn how you can have create powerfully happy relationships with simple shifts. Rewriting your own story and building the deep connection with another takes invaluable skill. Once you learn them … your life will be infused with love.
There’s no time to waste. Book your 20 mins call with me today so you can discover the path to feeling happy in your relationship.