The Science of a

Magical Life

The brain is our guidance system and the most powerful tool we own. Understood and utilised well … its our greatest asset to living life with ease, alignment helping us creatively build our dreams and maximise our potential. Its a manifesting machine.


Modern life has stretched us to the max. With stress and worry, anxiety and depression leading to severe mental health problems becoming a normal state of life. Left unchecked and unmanaged this can have a detrimental effect on our physical, mental and emotional health.

So how do we get the Brain to Change?

So many of us are stuck in auto state of being. Where the mind is running us. Instead of it being an ally …. it’s a foe. … taking us down painful tracks, dead-ends, brain fog, blended days, creating hurricanes of hell at work and in our relationships as well interactions with the world.

There are many more grey days than sunny days, leaving us burn’t out, juggling, anxious, depressed, angry, unable to cope with life… feeling overwhelmed and stuck.

Turning your life is easier than you might believe.

Neuroscience and the use of hypnotherapy helps you to get under the bonnet and understand how the brain and the mind operate, so you can start the process of rewiring by creating actionable strategies and manageable goals. Breaking you free from procrastination, doubt, worry & most importantly limiting the stress flowing through your system and keeping you hijacked.

So how do we start to build these new neural pathways?

Solution Focused hypnotherapy is the most powerful and transformative intervention in helping you pivot towards the future you want. Taking you away from the problems and centring you into solutions. A future led solution. No longer wishing and hoping…

Its uses the best knowledge and research in neuroscience to help support brain change which translates into a reality shift. We break patterns and limiting beliefs. Taking one small step at a time, causing big leaps in your world.

Creating brain change through mastering a new way of living will inevitably lead to towards self honour, self empowerment, self improvement, balance and higher levels of self esteem, and confidence. You will start to thrive NOT just survive.


The brain doesn’t know the difference between imagination and reality. It believes everything you tell it. It will work hard to confirm your story.

Imagine this was no longer the way you ran your life. What kind of difference would right make to you?

Some FAQ’s

  • This is one of the most incredible modalities in the therapeutic world and its exactly what it states on the label. Instead of focusing on the problem and the stories we make up … it focuses on a solution based approach. Getting you moving out of the current situation … one small step at a time.

    Created by David Newton, it uses the best of SFBT, NLP, Ericksonian theories and combines the latest research in neuroscience. Understanding the brain and its functions helps clients to take charge of their operating system, upgrade the software so they can radiate a new energy out into the world.

    SFT is goal orientated and with the addition of hypnotherapy and trance, we allow the brain to begin the process of rewiring our new future. Rewiring a new reality.

    • It all begins with a conversation about your current situation.

    • We do some education on neuroscience and how the brain works.

    • Through constructive questions we uncover what you want?

    • We break down the steps to get you moving.

    • We finish off with a Trance session to solidify the beautiful work we uncovered. Your subconscious mind will take in the information through a deep relaxation session and help to create the pathway for you.

    • I share a Deep relaxation MP3 with you to help you to continue the work at home.

    • We monitor the progress you make.

  • I get it. The word hypnotherapy can throw up all kind of images. You might even wonder what happens if you go under? Will you be standing on one leg and clucking like a chicken…

    The answer is NO.

    The truth is hypnotherapy takes you into state of deep relaxation… We actually spend a lot of time in trance in our normal life… You’re in trance when you’re in the middle of a flow state, driving, at the gym, dancing, painting… you go into without thinking.

    Trance in SFT means entering a very deep state of relaxation that will help you to declutter the past, let go of problems and move forwards towards a better future. Brain Change happens by tackling the subconscious template and rewriting the files.


My name is Sophie and I am a Student Hypnotherapist specialising in Solution Focused Therapy. I chose to add this modality to my toolkit because I was lucky enough to attend a SFT retreat… It was powerful process, towards the end of each day the amazing unfolding of our dreams and desires was solidified by trance. My favourite part of the day. I started to noticed how my life FELT better, I was sleeping better… I was productive & I started to take action on my goals.

I’ve seen the amazing results that clients experience too. This brings me a great deal of joy… to see someone shift from feeling lost and experiencing immense stress to having a clear vision and purpose.

  • Own your mind. Own your State. Own your life.
