Learn the secrets to meeting & Marrying Mr Right… effortlessly.
Are you a woman looking to get married but only seem to meet men who aren’t serious?
They all seem to want just one thing?
Are you trawling through online sites hoping to meet your husband only to find the pickings are very slim?
Are you going on date after date but there isn’t anyone who stands out and you feel constantly disappointed or worse… rushed and love bombed?
Maybe your friends and family are telling you that you’re too picky or too demanding… high maintenance perhaps?
Your requirements and boundaries aren’t aren’t balanced well so you’re attracting time wasters?
All of your friends are getting married and having children and you feel like its never going to happen for you?
Time it seems, is running out and you’re worried you’ll be left on the shelf?
I hear you!
My name is Sophia Shah & I am love and relationship expert. I specialise in helping incredible women, just like you… meet and marry their Mr Right...
Who you marry Matters!!!
It the biggest decision of your life.
Let’s get real… we’ve been sold an impossible dream?
We’ve been drip fed the idea that relationship’s are like walking on a continuous magical cloud of love. It’s a surreal happiness that lifts you up and spins you around making you giddy and smiley all the time.
It’s a Bollywood movie where you, the heroine lock eyes with the handsome hero and beyond race, class culture, family, religion … you’e able to hurdle over every obstacle with conviction and passion.
We’ve been told love that ‘falling in love’ is the only must have ingredient you need to live happily & peacefully together. When this doesn’t happen we are devastated.
This dream feeling blindsides you to the truth bombs and red flags dropping all around you? You’ve been taught that love can overcome anything.
These impossible ideas of how love should look and the role our partners plays in meeting our needs is creating deep disillusion and hurts.
The expectations are too high and the resentment begins to seep through the cracks the dream slowly begins to shatter…
The expectations that we put onto love & what a romantic relationship looks like can make the ‘search’ for love feel really HARD.
We’re just grasping… Hoping meet the one…
This Russian Roulette Approach to Romance & Rishta is dangerous.
The truth is love is easy…
We’ve never been taught the deep truths about being in relationships and love.
Once you get the secrets … You’ll walk on a real love cloud.
In this Masterclass, you’ll learn 3 incredible secrets of the “Art Of Courting’ The Feminine Way” & Marrying Your Mr Right”
SECRET 1 - How to be a high Value woman?
High Value, Self worth and Power Play are a woman’s ultimate love potions… once she knows where these gifts live… she becomes the Queen of all her domain.
SECRET 2 - Open his Heart.
Feminine Energy and embodiment 101.
The rules to connecting to his heart are simple…
SECRET 3 - How to draw the right man to you?
The art of Dynamic Dating is the most incredible framework when you’re seeking your partner. This is the most amazing funnelling system that will help you to recognise a quality healthy beautiful man perfect for you.
Downloadable PDF cheat sheet
Audio Download to help Minimise anxiety in Early dating. This is an invaluable download.
You’ll become familiar with:
Show up as a high value woman from this moment.
Understand Feminine and Masculine Energy Principles & how they work synergistically in creating relationships.
Attract High Quality Men by learning to weed out the time wasters, energy suckers, love bombers, the smooth talkers, bad boys, the fools, the toxic and the Losers.
Understand the truth about boundaries.
You’ll NO LONGER HANKER for attention, wait by the phone or become over invested in words with no action…
Understand the difference between UNHEALTHY vs HEALTHY LOVE and LACK vs ABUNDANCE.
Become a high Value woman who possesses high self esteem and recognises her own expansive worth.
Becoming a woman men adore and pursue and want to marry.
Learn to use my amazing DYNAMIC DATING (COURTSHIP) FORMULA on your journey to meeting and marrying your Mr Right.
My name is Sophia Shah and I’ll be your coach & mentor…
I’ve spent 3 decades looking for the love elixir.
I’ve made a million mistakes in my search for creating better relationships…
Understanding Men and myself has been a game changer… filling the corners of my life and relationships with light.
So if your heart desires a beautiful relationship and you want to become a magnetic woman men adore…You’re ready to meet Mr Right and start your life journey together … then this masterclass is going to get the ball rolling for you.
Just like you… I was searching for happiness… in all the wrong places.
I’d read everything out there on the subject of love yet I could never find the practical solutions that I needed to meet / notice a high value man…sustain love, create deep emotional connection & maintain authentic communication yet the reality was the complete opposite… filled with angst and disappointment.
I constantly felt:
Insecure and needed round the clock reassurance.
Not enough…my self worth was tied in with how someone felt about me.
I was trapped in a holding pattern of resentment, shame, guilt, and unworthiness and this programming ran my life and my relationship…
No matter how much adoration I received, I was unable to truly appreciate or have gratitude for what was in front of me.
I constantly attracted toxicity into my life.
I had no boundaries.
I was a people pleaser, over giver and lived in disappointment city lost of the time.
If this resonates with you & you’re ready to stop wasting valuable time .
You want to meet a beautiful man then its time to get really intentional with your dreams and desires for love.
Click the button below & save your spot for the most valuable experience of 2023.
I feel loved… I feel confident & I feel fully adored…
I want the same for you.
Reviews and Testimonials
Saphia | MUA
When I started this journey with Sophie I had no idea what I was stepping into.
Over the last 2 years I’ve felt reborn on numerous occaons, she’s helped me to now be a person of standards and requirements.
I’m more aware of my place in the world but more importantly my home within myself.
I used to feel very lost and like I didn’t fit in anywhere.
When I met Sophie I was really down after a terrible heartbreak and two years later I found myself tested in a similar situation.
When I compared the two scenarios, I’m so proud of how far I’ve come and how I handled the situation.
I was able to let go sooner and take back my power quicker. I didn’t feel the same hurt and it made me a bit uncomfortable because I guess I was used to turbulence and now things seemed a bit smoother.
I now put what I’ve learned about myself and others into practise when it comes to parenting , relationships, friendships and even co- parenting.
Sophie will always be a special friend to me not just coach and I will forever be grateful for her.
Brenda J
My friend recommended Sophia and I am so glad she did.
I didn’t even know I had a pattern when it came to dating… each one of my relationships was so toxic I became sick from anxiety and worry.
Realising this has made me rethink my love story and who will join me on the journey.
I am loving dating right now.
Tamara | CEO
Sophia is a wonderful love coach.
She is empathic and kind and helped me overcome some of my biggest challenges.
She taught me how to open up about my feelings and trust my intuition. I definitely recommend working with her.
I have made some of my biggest decisions with her by my side.
My Dating Fairy Godmother …
Sophia has guided me through 1-2-1 sessions to realise what my standards and requirements are when it comes to love.
My energy has shifted and I feel way more confident in who I am and what I want.
It’s been a cathartic and liberating experience. I’m ready for Mr Right :)
The private Coaching 1 to 1 sessions have made a fundamental difference to how I am Courting.
I want to get married and this was my only thought.
Sophie helped me to tap into what that truly…
Being able to tap into my true self has helped me to become less available, less emotional and less urgent.
These teachings are a game changer.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does this work?
Once you’ve signed up for the masterclass a zoom link will be sent over to you containing details the online masterclass.
2. Will I get a replay of the masterclass?
This is a live masterclass and a replay may be available to purchase post the session.
3. Will this make a difference to my life?
If you’re new to this work you’re about to learn the most beautiful secrets that’ll open up your heart.
So if you’re ready to learn the secrets that will help you to meet & marry a healthy masculine man who’s ready to share his life, provision and devotion with you.