Get LoveCoached
So you can begin to enjoy more connected, happier relationships.
Hey, if you’ve come this far with me then you’re ready to get beautifully serious and intentional about your life.
And I know you know you’re ready to up-level your relationships and the love you desire.
My name is Sophia and I’m so happy you found me.
What if you could get your love life onto the track marked “True Love” instead of the one that leads to endless dead ends?
What if all it took was talking personally with a relationship coach who knows how to help you turn your love life – whether you’re dating, in a relationship, or married – around quickly and permanently?
Love & Relationships aren’t like they used to be.
Technology, texting, Facebook, online dating, gaming, social networking, porn, email, the economy have all changed how dating works, how we communicate in relationships, and how private we can be.
Men seem to be more confused and less interested in commitment, dating feels like a minefield. Your girlfriends aren’t having success in love, and it’s easy to commiserate with them and give up. It’s easy to say there are no good men out there, or buy-in to the lie that you’re “just not meant to be happy in love.”
It’s easy to search out “experts” who promise strategies and “rules” with men, and to try to find out simple solutions to your complex situation – and it’s disappointing when you don’t get the results you want.
That’s why I became a love and relationship coach, and because of the way I work – I know I can help you with your unique situation in a different way. A way that WORKS.
No matter what we read and what videos we watch, we’re all held back in love by our past training. We all have specific “systems” in place that chain us to our old patterns and old results.
We start a great, hot relationship with a man, and then feel devastated when he suddenly disappears. Or when the fighting or cheating starts.
Sophie at loveCoached Coaching Will Give You the Answers and Solutions You Want:
…If you don’t understand why you’re not attracting the love of your life
…If you “hate” dating, and expect all men to let you down.
…If you think you’ve met Mr. Right – and he turns out to be just another guy who doesn’t know what he wants
…If the man you’re with is withdrawing and withholding his attention and affection from you, starting arguments, backing away from sex, spending more time at work and with friend than with you, and telling you he’s “confused” about what he feels for you.
…If you’re starting to feel insecure – even though you started out totally confident while he was still “pursuing” you.
…If you’re thinking about him so much of the time, you feel almost like you’re losing yourself and the confidence you used to have.
…If you’re married, and feel trapped with a man who has personal “issues” like drinking, depression and family conflicts.
…If the logistics of your relationship are difficult – Long Distance, children, a very present “ex,”
…If you’re concerned about “other women” in the picture – even his female friends.
These are just some of the problems I can help you with.