WHOOP WHOOP. I am so pleased you’re here.
In the next few seconds look out for my first newsletter. It contains amazing information that’ll make a huge difference to you and your relationship the moment you implement the powerful secrets.
(Be sure to add Sophiashahcoaching@gmail.com to your contacts list to avoid my amazing love letters to you with great advice, tips and secrets ending up in your junk).
Download Your 10 Steps To Your Forever Man Guide:
This guide was created with you in mind.
It’s the roadmap I used to infuse my life with love… I wanted a juicy relationship with my partner … I wanted love to feel effortless.. I wanted to feel free and secure in my relationships yet I was experiencing pain and sadness…
These are the steps that led me to my Forever Man and I hope they will help you too.
The Forever Steps to getting your dream man are just the tip of the iceberg…. there is so much more I want share with you… Life Changing Golden Nuggets when applied…
If you’re searching for your Forever man or you have a beautiful man in your life who you would love to keep forever … then you’re in the right place…
You’ve been added to the Love Coached Email list and in order recieve the nuggets you just need to click a OH YES to the double subscription request… Here’s to creating beautifully connected fulfilling relationships.
Let me know how the guide resonated for you….
The LoveCoached Community is all about LOVE.
All consuming fabulous sparkly gorgeous love.
A revolution in learning about love so it become’s accessible…
You will man-ifest GREAT LOVE and learn how to nurture it, enjoy it, surrender to it, feel it’s warmth and bathe in the glow of it… and if you feel you’ve lost it… darlings, we will reignite it.
This community is about sisterhood… women supporting women, as we deep dive how we can really make your love life a roaring success.
Come and join the LoveCoached Youtube Channel
Love can be difficult to navigate especially when you are going through a storm… just when you think you have a handle on the relationship, you are, once again, thrown into choppy waters… you thrash around, trying in earnest to save yourself … and your relationship…
I used to live in these choppy waters… I always felt paralysed by the idea that I would lose the man I loved… I would kick for a while and fight for the relationship or myself but I would find the water was simply too strong for me and the relationship would either end or I would take the life vest and just accept whatever came my way.
Neither of these scenarios brought me any joy... in fact they were effective in ensuring I continued to feel worthless and unloveable… I gave away all my power in an effort to please and elevate others so I would recieve validation and acceptance I craved... It never felt great AND weirdly it never worked.
If you feel the same… I want to be the person that tells you … it can change… it did for me and if you follow my work you will find it will change for you too.